A Few Weight Loss Don'ts for Women
When it comes to losing weight, people tend to have plenty of suggestions for what you should do, but what about tips on what you shouldn't? Sometimes there's no clear distinction.
With this in mind, we thought wed take a moment to explain three big don'ts when it comes to weight loss for women.
Tips from the Premier Weight Loss Company in Palm Beach Gardens
Watch out for healthy, yet high calorie foods
There are plenty of foods out there that are technically rich with health, but that are also heavy with calories. For example, Healthy Eating reports that almonds, bananas, and avocados all offer plenty of great nutrients, but if you're trying to stay beneath your caloric limit, it only takes a small amount of foods like these to tip you over the limit. So be sure to enjoy these foods in moderation.
Be wary of the exercise machines calorie counter
Cardio machines track a lot of useful metrics like distance, time, speed, and so on, but you cant always trust the calories burned. Shape Magazine reports that these machines tend to vastly overestimate this number, therefore making it easy to miscalculate your calories burned-to-calories consumed ratio for the day.
Don't go it alone
One of the most difficult aspects of losing weight involves staying motivated. Find the support you need to keep on track, whether that means partnering with a friend, joining a class, or signing on with an effective weight loss company.
Our Weight Loss Company Offers Programs Tailored for Women
At ThinWorks, we provide everything necessary to achieve weight loss for women. From personalized diet and exercise plans overseen by experts, to one-on-one coaching and physician supervision, to hormone replacement therapy and more, we create programs that have helped thousands of women succeed at their weight loss goals. Schedule your free consultation online, or call ThinWorks at (561) 235-0100 to start your weight loss journey today!