Weight Loss Medications

Weight Loss Medications
Weight Loss Medications
Your weight loss is finally over!

Losing weight can be challenging, and diet and exercise alone are not enough for some people. We understand this difficulty at ThinWorks, and we’re here to help. Weight loss medications may be an option for some people to help boost their weight loss efforts. Let’s go over the various types your doctor may recommend.

What are Weight Loss Medications?

Prescription weight loss medications are FDA-approved drugs that assist with weight loss. They work by reducing appetite, increasing feelings of fullness, decreasing fat absorption, or altering how the body uses energy. These medications are often prescribed in addition to lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.

Weight loss medications are intended for patients who are obese or overweight with health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. They can play a crucial role in helping individuals achieve their desired results.

Ideal Candidates

Your doctor may consider prescription weight loss medications if your BMI is over 30 or if it’s over 27 and you have obesity-related health conditions. The risks and benefits will be evaluated to determine whether medication is appropriate for you. These medications are not for cosmetic weight loss and are only recommended for certain patients.

Types of Medications

We utilize a range of weight loss medications to cater to different requirements. Our medical professionals carefully assess your medical history, lifestyle, and weight loss goals before recommending the most suitable one for you. Each medication is prescribed under the guidance of our experienced medical team.

  • Semaglutide injections: This medication helps reduce hunger by mimicking a hormone called GLP-1. It is given as a weekly injection.
  • Tirzepatide: This is another GLP-1 mimetic injection given once or twice a week to regulate appetite and calorie intake.
  • Appetite suppressants: These medications work by decreasing appetite. This helps you feel fuller faster so you can eat less.
  • Incretin mimetics: These medications regulate appetite and calorie intake by mimicking the incretin hormones released after eating.
  • Metabolic enhancers: These sympathomimetic-like drugs stimulate the central nervous system to boost metabolism.

Potential Side Effects

As with any medication, there may be side effects. These may include:

Dry mouth
Abdominal pain

More serious side effects may also occur. Be sure to discuss risks, side effects, and alternatives with your doctor. Do not take weight loss medications if you are pregnant.

How to Maintain Your Results

Keep in mind that prescription weight loss medications are meant to be used along with lifestyle modifications, not in place of them. You will still need to focus on healthy eating, reducing calorie intake, and increasing physical activity for the best weight loss results.

Maintaining weight loss after stopping the medication may require ongoing diet and exercise. Work closely with your doctor and ThinWorks to learn how to use prescribed weight loss medications properly.

Have Any Questions About Weight Loss Medications?

Weight loss medications may assist some individuals struggling to lose weight. However, they are not right for everyone and should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

If you have questions about weight loss medications, contact us at ThinWorks to learn more. We look forward to helping you achieve sustainable results on your weight loss journey!  

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Come and see why so many people who trust the ThinWorks process are raving about the results they received. If you want to experience lasting weight loss in palm beach county, set an appointment today!

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