Weight Loss Center
in Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Weight Loss Center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Your weight loss is finally over!
Best Weight Loss Service Center

We take a unique, holistic approach to losing weight. Instead of focusing on diets exclusively, we also look at ways to improve your lifestyle. What’s the point of eating healthy if you lack enough physical exercise? With our weight loss coaches, we provide you with a chance for real change. Here’s how it’s all possible.

Free Consultation

A 60-Minute Consultation

On your first visit to our weight loss center, you can expect to discuss your diet and physical activity with your weight loss coach. Additionally, several measurements are needed to gauge several things. Here are the four tests we’ll run to get a baseline of your health:

  • Body composition analysis
  • Blood Work
  • EKG
  • Urinalysis

Personal Coaches

Often when someone isn’t motivated to continue, progress halts as effort declines. For those wishing to shed weight, slipping into old habits will prevent weight loss leading to tremendous frustration.

For this reason, you’ll have access to coaches who will guide you each step of the way until you achieve the results you desire. Not only will they motivate you, they will also suggest ways to accelerate your progression that best suits your body. This personalized treatment is why so many of our clients have reached success.

Continue Eating Real Food

We will provide you with a menu plan along with a shopping list so you can make healthy meals each day. Further tools you’ll receive include information on how to build appropriate serving portions and a food journal to mark down and measure your intake of proteins, carbs, fats, and calories, to name a few.

Ready to Begin Your Path to Weight Loss?

It’s never too late to start. However, the best time to begin is now. The team at ThinWorks Weight Loss Centers has been helping folks achieve their body’s optimal weight, improving their overall health since 2012. Call us today to learn how we can help you as well.

Your Weight is finally over®

Come and see why so many people who trust the ThinWorks process are raving about the results they received. If you want to experience lasting weight loss in palm beach county, set an appointment today!

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