How To Sit On Emsella Chair

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Have you ever heard about the EmSella chair and wondered how to sit on it properly? Whether you're exploring solutions for pelvic floor strengthening or just curious about this innovative treatment, you're in the right place. You will learn everything you need to know about the EmSella chair, from what it is and how it works to how you can maximize your sessions. So, buckle up, and let's dive into the world of EmSella and how to sit on Emsella chair, a revolutionary approach to pelvic floor health.

What Is The EmSella Chair?

The EmSella Chair represents a groundbreaking advancement in treating pelvic floor disorders, employing a non-invasive technology known as High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to stimulate and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Designed to address issues such as urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and sexual dysfunction, the EmSella Chair provides a revolutionary approach to pelvic health, allowing patients to receive treatment while fully clothed and without the need for physical exertion or invasive procedures.

The technology behind the EmSella Chair induces supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are far more intense than one could achieve through traditional exercises like Kegels. These contractions stimulate the muscles, improving their strength and endurance. A typical treatment session lasts about 30 minutes, during which thousands of these contractions help re-educate and rehabilitate the pelvic floor muscles, leading to improved control and support of pelvic organs.

Those who have experienced a weakening of the pelvic floor as a result of childbirth, menopause, aging, or surgery can benefit from EmSella. It offers a unique, effective, and convenient solution, with patients experiencing tangible improvements in their condition after a series of treatments. Clinical studies have demonstrated significant success rates, showcasing the chair's ability to dramatically enhance the quality of life for those suffering from pelvic floor-related issues.

How Does EmSella Chair Work?

The EmSella chair uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology at its core. The technology induces supramaximal pelvic floor contractions, which regular exercise or Kegels cannot achieve. These intense contractions strengthen and rebuild the pelvic floor muscles, restoring support for the pelvic organs and improving neuromuscular control. It's an innovative solution that offers hope and results without downtime.

How To Sit On Emsella Chair

Unlike any traditional medical treatment, sitting on an EmSella Chair is a straightforward yet unique experience. Sitting correctly is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of EmSella Chair's High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, which strengthens pelvic floor muscles.

When you arrive for your EmSella treatment, you will be guided to the chair, which resembles a standard seat in appearance but is equipped with powerful technology for pelvic floor stimulation. The key to this treatment is simplicity and comfort; there is no need for disrobing or any special preparation. You sit on the EmSella Chair, fully clothed.

To sit on the chair correctly, you should center yourself comfortably on the seat, ensuring that your entire pelvic area is in contact with the chair's surface. This position allows the electromagnetic energy to target your pelvic floor muscles effectively. Once seated, your clinician will start the device, and you will begin to feel the chair's electromagnetic pulses. These pulses stimulate your pelvic floor muscles to contract and relax rapidly, far beyond what traditional exercises can achieve.

During the treatment, which typically lasts about 30 minutes, you may feel a tingling sensation along with the contractions. It is important to remain seated and relaxed throughout the session to allow the electromagnetic field to work optimally. Despite the intensity of the muscle contractions, the process is not painful, and you can engage in light activities, such as reading or using your phone, during the session.

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Emsella Chair?

The EmSella chair is a versatile tool in the battle against various pelvic floor disorders. It's effective in treating urinary incontinence and reducing pelvic pain. For women, especially after childbirth, it offers a non-invasive route to reclaiming pelvic strength and confidence. Men can also benefit from Emsella pelvic floor treatment, addressing issues related to prostate health and erectile function.

How Can Men Be Treated With EmSella?

Men might wonder how a chair can address their unique pelvic health needs. The pelvic floor chair therapy is equally beneficial for men, targeting the pelvic floor muscles to enhance urinary control and support prostate health. It strengthens the muscles necessary for erectile function and can significantly improve the quality of life for men facing these common yet often untreated issues.

The EmSella Chair offers a groundbreaking approach to treating pelvic floor issues in men, providing a non-invasive solution to conditions that are often overlooked, such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. A single session of this innovative treatment uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, similar to performing thousands of Kegel exercises. These intense contractions strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, crucial in urinary control and sexual function.

For men, the benefits of EmSella treatments are twofold. Firstly, it addresses urinary incontinence, a condition that can arise from prostate surgery, aging, or other health issues. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, involuntary leakage can be significantly reduced. Secondly, EmSella's ability to enhance blood flow and muscle contractions in the pelvic region can also improve erectile function. By fortifying the muscles and improving the blood supply, men may experience enhanced erections and sexual performance.

The treatment process is straightforward and dignified; men sit fully clothed on the EmSella Chair, and the device does the rest, each lasting about 30 minutes. No pain or discomfort is involved, allowing individuals to relax or read during the treatment. Most treatment protocols recommend a series of sessions, typically twice a week over three weeks, for optimal results.

Will I Need A Consultation For Emsella?

A consultation is the first step in your Emsella chair treatment journey. This initial consultation serves several essential purposes to ensure the treatment is safe and effective.

A healthcare professional will review your medical history and current conditions during the consultation. This step is crucial because specific health issues, such as metal implants in the treatment area or specific medical conditions, may contraindicate using Emsella. The goal is to ensure that no factors would make the treatment unsafe or less effective for you.

You can also discuss your symptoms and treatment goals during the consultation. Emsella is highly effective for a range of pelvic floor issues, but individual experiences and outcomes can vary. By discussing your specific concerns and what you hope to achieve, the healthcare provider can tailor the treatment plan to meet your needs best.

Moreover, the consultation allows the provider to explain how the Emsella treatment works, what you can expect during each session, and how many sessions you might need. It is possible to set realistic expectations and make the treatment experience more comfortable and stress-free by understanding the process.

Finally, this initial meeting allows you to ask questions and express concerns about the treatment. Whether you're curious about the sensation during treatment, the technology behind Emsella, or the expected outcomes, getting answers directly from a professional can provide reassurance and confidence as you progress with the treatment.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

During a BTL Emsella chair treatment session, expect to feel a tingling sensation as the chair works its magic. These are the electromagnetic waves inducing pelvic floor muscle contractions. The process is pain-free, and many find it surprisingly relaxing. You can resume your daily activities immediately after the session, making it convenient for those with busy schedules.

Once the session starts, the EmSella Chair will emit electromagnetic waves, inducing deep pelvic floor muscle contractions. These contractions are akin to performing a high-intensity workout for your pelvic muscles. Despite the intensity, the process is not painful; patients often describe feeling a tingling sensation or the experience of muscle contractions, which are generally tolerable and uncomfortable.

Each treatment session lasts approximately 30 minutes, during which you can relax, read, or enjoy a moment of downtime. There's no need for special preparation or post-treatment care, making it a hassle-free option for those with busy schedules.

One of the most appealing aspects of the EmSella treatment is that there's no downtime required afterward. Patients can immediately resume their daily activities without any restrictions or recovery time.


The EmSella chair represents a significant advancement in pelvic health, offering a non-invasive, painless, and efficient solution for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Whether you're dealing with the aftermath of childbirth, facing urinary incontinence, or seeking to improve sexual health, EmSella provides a promising path to improvement. At ThinWorks, we encourage you to try our EmSella Chair and experience the difference it can make in your life. It's a decision that could lead you to a more muscular, more confident you.


How Long Does EmSella Take?

An EmSella treatment session typically lasts about 30 minutes. During this time, patients sit comfortably on the EmSella Chair, which employs High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate pelvic floor muscles with thousands of supramaximal contractions per session. These contractions are crucial for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, offering a non-invasive solution to urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor issues.

The standard treatment plan usually consists of six sessions over three weeks, with sessions scheduled twice a week. However, the exact number and frequency of treatments can vary based on individual needs and the conditions being addressed. It's essential for patients to consult with their healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their situation.

What Causes A Weak Pelvic Floor After Childbirth?

Childbirth can stretch and weaken the pelvic floor muscles, leading to issues like urinary incontinence and reduced sexual satisfaction.

How Many Treatment Sessions Are Recommended?

The recommended treatment plan consists of six sessions over three weeks for optimal results.

Is EmSella's Treatment Safe?

Yes, EmSella is FDA-cleared and has been proven safe and effective for treating pelvic floor disorders.

What Conditions Are Contraindicated For Emsella Treatment?

People with metal implants, pacemakers, or pregnant women should avoid EmSella treatment due to the electromagnetic waves used.

Does EmSella Hurt?

No, EmSella treatment is pain-free. You may feel tingling, but most find the process comfortable and relaxing.

Can I Use The Emsella Chair If I Have An Iud?

Yes. Non-metallic intrauterine devices (IUDs) are not contraindicated when using the EmSella Chair. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider for advice specific to your type of IUD.

Will I Feel Any Pain After The Emsella Treatment Session?

No. The EmSella treatment is non-invasive and does not typically cause pain or discomfort after the session. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately with no downtime.

How Quickly Will I Notice Improvements After Starting Emsella Treatments?

Yes, some patients report noticing improvements after their first few sessions. However, optimal results typically become more apparent after completing the entire recommended course of treatment.

Is There Any Age Limit For Using The Emsella Chair?

No, there is no strict age limit for EmSella treatments. It is suitable for individuals of any age who suffer from pelvic floor weakness or related conditions. However, a consultation with a healthcare provider is necessary to assess individual suitability.

Can Emsella Chair Treatments Help With Sexual Dysfunction?

Yes. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, EmSella treatments can improve sexual function in both men and women by enhancing muscular contractions and blood flow in the pelvic area.

For any inquiries about the EmSella chair or Emsella BTL Treatment, contact us at 561-235-0100 or Begin your journey towards improved health by filling out our online form. Our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way with expert advice and support.

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